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Do You Belong in The Office?



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inespinto said:
Wow, you're Jim Halpert!

You're not the person running around the office with a lampshade on your head (yet), but you've still got a sense of humor (and it's not of the makes-us-cringe variety). Sure, sometimes you're too busy cracking jokes to take care of business, but is that a crime? And you can't deny it — nothing says "HR meeting" like hiding a coworker's notes!
posted over a year ago.
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Im Pam!
posted over a year ago.
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I was Pam, too!
posted over a year ago.
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Ajox said:
I was Jim too. Finally a character test that asks your gender, I'm tired of being female characters :P
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Shandiii said:
Wow, you're Pam Beesly!

Sweet as a well-stocked vending machine in the company break room, you're exactly the person people go to when they need a little pick-me-up from office politics and snooze-inducing meetings. Sure you can be a little shy, but that's exactly what makes you approachable in a sea of general nutcases. You show your true colors around the ones you really like.
posted over a year ago.
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Wow, you're Michael Scott!

Even if you're not the big cheese, you're a natural fit for the role. You definitely share some traits with your Office match, Michael Scott. Aside from getting the job done, you do what you can to be liked and respected by your coworkers. (And hey, if they don't like you, there's always downsizing...)
posted over a year ago.